I first just want to compliment Annie Leonard for a incredibly interesting and informativ video clip. It is people like Annie that are going to open our eyes so we can change this world before it is to late.
We can not ignore this problam any longer. We are living beyond our means and have so done for a long time. Words must now lead to action! Each and everyone of us have to look ourselves in the mirror and ask ourselves if we are doing what we can to protect and take care of this earth. If not for our sake so for our children and their children. I think that the first action on the list is information. Information to the people in this world about the situation today and about the future. Like the ”the story of stuff” but maybe even more focused on what we can do (or should I write have to do) to reach sustainable development. Only when everybody have the understanding of todays situation first then can we begin to make it better. With everything from recycling to technological development..
I agree completely with your sentiment. I doubt anything will be done until last possible moment though and even then it all depends upon which position the great powers of the world takes. For an example if the American government takes position "screw the rest of world as long as we get the products cheap" it would probably be very difficult to make them change their minds.
Andreas Dahlberg
Hello Hanna,
SvaraRaderaindeed this was an interesting video. Of course we can make a difference as environmentally conscious individuals, but governments around the world also need to cooperate and take much more responsible for the environment. We only have one world and we need to protect it.
I agree with your thoughts about the subject. We really need to do something now before it is to late. I do not think that any one want to have on their conscience that they have destroyed the world for next generation. I also agree with you that information is important, information is the key for almost everything.
SvaraRadera/Hanna Tunander
I absolutely agree with you. It is people like Annie that are going to save the world!
SvaraRaderaWORD! Annie is the sort of pioneer needed to save our world!
SvaraRaderaI totally agree with you. Information is the fundamental step towards solving this problem. And this is a problem that can be ignored no longer.