Okey, this is a current topic. The problem is that some people are misbehaving and the whole community will be punished.
All the persons that are examples in the text are doing something wrong and they get trapped. With todays technology everything is possible but does it make it right to use it? If you havn´t done anything wrong, then you have nothing to hide.
In a perfect world we wouldn´t need this kind of technology. People would go to work, exept when they are sick, work 8 hours with whatever they are ought to do and then go home. The problem is that we are not living in a perfekt world. People cheat, lie and use the system everyday. The trust for the human beeing is gone and some actions have to be done.
I think the benefits are more and greater then the cons to use these types of technology. As long as they inform all concerned that they are using it.
I agree on your thoughts and reflections. Well written, regardless of a few words that are misspelled.
SvaraRaderaUnfortunately, the world isn´t perfect, and i think we actually need these types of surveillance, not in the extent presented in the articles, but still needed(especially in large multi-national companies).(So we agree :) )
/Gustav Karlsson
Good content!
SvaraRaderaYou are talking about collective punishment here. If we focus on the surveillance on your time at work I can´t se how the boss punish everybody? The employee who attends to his/her affairs does not break any rule. And even if he is being monitored, the conclusion must be loyalty, but the study is a bit superfluous. That I can agree with. Maybe there is less space to bigger salaries. Maybe that is what you where thinking about. If the company puts a lot of money on surveillance there is less money to pay a high salary to the employees.
I think that every company should consider the benefit of surveillance and evaluate if it is worth the cost not just economically also socially.
Surveillance has been around for many years but it has been more and more discriminating for employees I think (as a side effect of better technology). There are ethics about it but I don´t think there are any rules that controls it.
As an example: If you stop a leak of sensitive information for example in Apple corporation you may stop a scandal that may cost the company millions of dollars. If the surveillance filtered the mail with sensitive content they made something good for the employees. Because the money that the company did not lose on the scandal (losing patents) could be used to retain the amount of employees or just give them higher salary.
A balance of surveillance and trust is to prefer I think to get the most of a relationship between a boss and his employees.
You are absolutely right. If we lived in a perfect world there would not have to be any supervising. Unfortunately this perfect world doesn’t exist. It is important to inform the workers that they are being observed, but as long as you do I totally agree with you. The benefits are more and greater then the cons.
SvaraRaderaI agree with your reflections on the topic about snooping bosses. If some people cheat and misbehave the boss is forced to monitor all employees, not only the bad guys. I believe that even if you have done everything according to the rules it is not fun to be supervised.
SvaraRaderaWe do not live in a perfect world and we will never do that. There will always be people that do not follow the rules. I agree with you that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and we will probably always use some kind of monitoring technology.
/ Hanna Tunander