onsdag 17 november 2010

The story of stuff

I first just want to compliment Annie Leonard for a incredibly interesting and informativ video clip. It is people like Annie that are going to open our eyes so we can change this world before it is to late.

We can not ignore this problam any longer. We are living beyond our means and have so done for a long time. Words must now lead to action! Each and everyone of us have to look ourselves in the mirror and ask ourselves if we are doing what we can to protect and take care of this earth. If not for our sake so for our children and their children. I think that the first action on the list is information. Information to the people in this world about the situation today and about the future. Like the ”the story of stuff” but maybe even more focused on what we can do (or should I write have to do) to reach sustainable development. Only when everybody have the understanding of todays situation first then can we begin to make it better. With everything from recycling to technological development..